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2023/8/13(Sun) Night Park Yoga at Hisaya Odori Park

2023/7/23(Sun) Hisaya Ohdori Park
We practice every Sunday night now.

2023/1/15(Sun) Morning Park Yoga at Tsuruma Park by Instructor Nafumi.

12/4(Sun) Morning Park Yoga at Tsuruma Park by Instructor Nafumi

11/13(Sun) Morning Park Yoga at Tsuruma Park

It was a nice weather before starting rain. Leaves are starting to turn red color.
We enjoyed yoga while feeling the change of seasons.

11/12(Sat) Night yoga at Hisaya Odori Park.

We enjoyed Bocce Ball game after yoga. It was fun and we thought it might be better to enjoy game after yoga sometimes.

10/30(Sun)Morning Relax & Refresh Yoga at Hisaya Odori Park By Naoko

10/9(Sun)9:00-10:00 Yoga & Meditation Practice at Tsuruma Park(鶴舞公園)

9/24(Sat) 19:00-20:00 Night Yoga & Meditation Practice at Hisaya Odori Park(久屋大通公園)

9/11(Sun) 9:00-10:00 Yoga & Meditation Practice at Tsuruma Park(鶴舞公園)


We were blessed with great weather. So we really enjoyed yoga while doing sun salutation and other posing.

8/28(Sun)9:00-10:00 Morning Yoga at Hisaya-odori Park(久屋大通公園) by Hiroko

8/21(Sun) 9:00-10:00 Yoga & Meditation Practice at Tsuruma Park(鶴舞公園)


7/30(Sat) 19:00-20:00 Sunset Yoga at Hisaya-odori Park(久屋大通公園) by Hiroko

7/24(Sun)8:30-9:30 Yoga Lesson at Hisaya-odori Park(久屋大通公園) by Hiroko

6/26(Sun)9:00-10:00 Yoga Lesson at Hisaya-odori Park by Hiroko


We could enjoy yoga while rain is stopping. but at the last part of the lesson, it started raining. It cooled our boy down. There were a lot of balance pose practice during today’s lesson, we could improve concentration skill.

6/18(Sat) 19:00-20:00 Sunset Yoga at Hisaya-odori Park by Hiroko


When The lesson started, the sky was still light. When it was almost 8 o’clock, it’s already got dark around. TV tower was lit up. The wind calmed down. We could feel the changing around us gently.
Thank you for joining under the situation that we didn’t know it stops raining or not.

6/12(Sun)10:00-11:00 Yoga and Meditation at Tsuruma Park Participation Fee: Free


5/22(Sun) Yoga Life at Tsuruma Park

We joined Yoga Life event at Tsuruma Park. We enjoyed Ashtanga Yoga with all members.
Sunshine and Breeze made us energetic.

5/15(Sun)9:00-10:00 Yoga Lesson at Hisaya-odori Park by Hiroko


It was fun as I could enjoy communicating with the teacher and other members.

5/8(Sun)10:00-11:00 Yoga and Meditation at Tsuruma Park Participation Fee: Free


It is difficult to keep doing yoga and meditation alone, but when I do it with a group of friends, it can be easier to keep doing and make them fun and enjoyable ^_^.
I could enjoy the sounds of nature and the wind, which makes me more relaxing.